New Siblands Primary School

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The Curriculum

New Siblands Curriculum Document



 Achievement Pathway

Our semi-formal learners have a range of severe and complex needs; many have physical difficulties linked to a combination of other severe difficulties such as cognitive processing needs, multi-sensory impairments, autistic spectrum condition or complex health needs. Learners are at the semi-formal stage, cognitively operating between within the typically developing age range of 18 months to 7 years for most of their time in school, though some will progress into more formal learning (Celebration pathway) with support.

The Achievement pathway is delivered via themed learning. Heuristic teaching styles encourage learners to develop skills and embed knowledge through direct experiences.

Please see the document below to find out more about how we support our learners on the Achievement pathway at New Siblands. 

Achievement Curriculum Pathway Booklet

 Belonging Pathway 

 Learners on this pathway have a range of profound and complex needs. All have physical difficulties linked to a combination of other profound difficulties such as cognitive processing needs, sensory impairments and complex medical needs. These learners will rely on facial expressions, vocal sounds, body language and exhibit a range of behaviours to communicate.

The Belonging pathway focusses on the early communication, physical, social and emotional and cognitive skills that are the foundation of learning. It places high importance on sensory stimulation for a child’s development and the need for sensory and multi-sensory approaches to learning (utilising visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile and kinaesthetic activities). It supports the learner’s development by employing appropriate approaches that take account of their emotional well-being and levels of engagement.

The Belonging pathway is delivered via themed learning; a range of therapeutic interventions; and sensory stimulation.

Belonging Curriculum Pathway Booklet

 Celebration Pathway 

 Learners on the Celebration pathway have a range of severe learning disabilities and complex needs. They have achieved early learning goals and the age related expectations for typically developing pupils at the end of KS1, and have developed the pre-requisite skills to begin more subject specific learning at the early levels of the National Curriculum. However, they are likely to have ‘spikey profiles’ so, whilst they are ready for some more formal learning in the ‘Cognition & Learning’ area of the curriculum, they may not have achieved parity of development in other areas.

The Celebration pathway aims to equip learners to apply and generalise skills and concepts related to subject specific learning.

Celebration Curriculum Pathway Booklet


Curriculum Intent 


Our curriculum is taught through 12 subjects or areas.  For our youngest learners - and those who benefit from a play and sensory-based curriculum -these areas are taught in a connected cross curricular way.  Older students may be taught through distinct curriculum subjects, according to their need.

Each of our curriculum subjects or areas has a Curriculum Intent Statement, which defines our overall goals for how the subject or area will be taught, how that will contribute towards each child’s overall development and what key learning will be provided to prepare each child for the next stage of their education.

Each subject or area has a Curriculum Progression, based on the skills and knowledge children will be expected to acquire over time, through their learning in that subject and area.  Those Curriculum Progressions are used by staff to plan learning and next steps for each child.

Curriculum Subjects/Areas are:

  • Communication, Language and Literacy (including Reading, Writing and Maths)
  • Mathematics
  • Science (as part of Knowledge and Understanding of the World)
  • Geography (as part of Knowledge and Understanding of the World)
  • History (as part of Knowledge and Understanding of the World)
  • Religious Education (as part of Knowledge and Understanding of the World)
  • ICT and Computing (as part of Knowledge and Understanding of the World)
  • Design Technology (as part of Expressive Arts and Design)
  • Art and Design (as part of Expressive Arts and Design)
  • Music (as part of Expressive Arts and Design)
  • Physical and Sensory Education (Including Physical Education)
  • Social Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Education (including Personal, Health and Social Education – PSHE & Relationship and Sex Education – RSE)

  Curriculum Intent Statements 




Long Term Curriculum Overview 




For more information about our Curriculum, please contact Tracy Rogers:




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